First up Saks Fifth Avenue is having a 40% of Designer Sale. There is large selection of designer goods like these adorable Gucci shoes and lots of Camper Ballet Flats that are under $100. Also if you type in the code “SPRINGFS” at checkout for free shipping on purchases of $150 or more. Lets face it even designer clearance items are usually more than $150 so the code will probably come in handy to save you that last ten bucks in the end!
For all you Plus size girls out there here is a coupon for 15-20% off your purchases at The Avenue. They have some cute summer dresses out. Also I totally recommend the Cloud Walker Shoes if you have a wide foot! The styles can be hit and miss but it is worth checking out! P.S. How cute is Whitney on ANTM? Ya she is a Bitch, but her blunt ways make her a girl after my own heart. I hope she and Anya are final 2!
Anyone nesting out there? Target is offering 15% off Furniture orders of $125 dollars or more and FREE shipping!
Illustration from Jacqueline Bissett at Illustration Web.
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