So I, like most 20 somethings (I can say that for 5 more months!), have been addicted to the video game Rock Band for the last couple months. If you haven't tried playing it and you are at all into music and rhythm or being a Karaoke whore you will love this game. Now I am, like a large portion of ladies out there, TOTAL crap when it comes to video games that do not involve a member of the Mario, Kong or Pac family.
At first I was skeptical. I was terrible at Guitar Hero. Really terrible, I failed Training Mode... which is kinda impossible according to my friends. But Rock Band had a Microphone and it was calling to me. And on a Side note totally unrelated to the point of this post, Rock Band is a lot of fun and I think easier than Guitar Hero. I completely recommend everyone try playing it if they like to sing, or drum on the table, or air guitar along to there favorite songs. It only takes a couple songs before you start to pick it up. Really! I mean I was the worst ever and now I play on Hard sometimes.. but Hard is really really really hard so it is only when I am feeling very skilled.
OK Back to Fashion.
So if all the above didn't convince you the game is fun well check this out. One of the aspects of the game is that you create your own Rock Star personality. You pick hair styles, outfits, tattoos, shoes, customize instruments. You play gigs either on a Solo Tour or with your Band and you earn money. And you spend that money on MORE CLOTHES, SHOES, ACCESSORIES, and Hairstyles.
Its a game about shopping!!!! I literally squealed with Delight with I found this out. And spent like a week solo touring and earning money so I could buy more outfits. There is quite a bit of options on the game for you to choose from and you can win different items of clothing or accessories the more you solo play.
I have found myself getting inspired by some of the outfits in RockBand when dressing to go out to different DJ events for my friends.
Here are some RockBand Fashions I picked up off the net. I have yet to get a screen capture of my Alter Ego, but I assure you she is pretty awesome!

But what I have been coveting most about my Rock Band alter ego is her hair. Right now she is a brunette with Pink Bangs. I really like it and think the pink bangs would be fun to play with. But I have this pesky job where unnatural hair color probably wouldn't go over to well.
So I am going to try this temporary hair die that I found to see if my friend Erin and I can rock the colored hair Friday to Sunday and have our boring hair back by Monday and be office appropriate.
We order this product called Streekers online. It is made for kids so they can play around with colored hair but not commit to anything and horrify their parents. So this 29 year old child will be trying it next weekend.
I will let you know how it works blogosphere!